Teresa Fellinger Portrait


Teresa Fellinger


Born in 1987 in Linz, based in Vienna,

studied Fine Arts/Experimental Design and Cultural Studies at the University of Art and Design Linz. Graduated with honors in 2017 under Andrea van der Straeten.


Her work examines sociopolitical and cultural phenomena. She works in an interdisciplinary manner, often performatively, using everyday objects and experiences to place familiar visual patterns into new contexts, creating space for discourse.


Since 2018, she has been part of the performance duo chi-mashie together with Julia Hartig. The duo critically and humorously addresses aspects of patriarchal capitalism. chi-mashie responds to different locations and situations, creating enigmatic, ritual-like atmospheres with an inclination toward the absurd, sometimes interacting with the audience. Inspired by the nature of post-dramatic theater, the duo’s work focuses on text and acting as well as aspects of conceptual art and the use of new media.