Photo: Halkyonische Tage (c) Teresa Fellinger


Halkyonische Tage


Videos 2 videosloops, no sound

Installation 2 videos, 2 mirrors 120 x 96 cm


The halcyon days represent, in Greek mythology, the days in December around the winter solstice when the sea is said to be completely calm. During this time, kingfishers would build their nests on the sea, which would remain still until the young had hatched.

Halkyonische Tage (c) Teresa Fellinger
Foto: Herwig Kerschner
Halkyonische Tage (c) Teresa Fellinger

The installation consists of two video sequences featuring microscopic footage of numerous barely moving plankton organisms that are only able to move with the currents. Through the mirrored projection, a space is created in which the tiny creatures gently drift, as if carried by a barely perceptible flow.

Halkyonische Tage (c) Teresa Fellinger
Halkyonische Tage (c) Teresa Fellinger

Halkyonische Tage (c) Teresa Fellinger