Photo: Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Interactive Installation / Performance

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen?


Performance Teresa Fellinger

Installation Boardgame for five players

Language German and English version



Duration 80 min. 17 sec.

Performers Hanna Leah Degenhart, Magdalena Fellinger,
Clara Gallistl, Stephan Pointner, Josefa Stiegler, Sabine Weigl

Camera Teresa Fellinger, Joseph Knierzinger

Light Teresa Fellinger

Cut Teresa Fellinger

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? is a theatrical game of chance in which the audience actively engages in a competition.The participants must outdo each other in their capacity for empathy.

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Would you consider yourself disciplined?

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Would you describe yourself as influential?

We are observing a group of people playing a game of chance, in which the players answer intimate questions about themselves and their role in society, while also making assessments about the self-perception of their fellow players. The game reflects on the handling of questions that are often neither easy to understand nor simple to answer. What the are ultimately playing for, remains unanswered.

Do you use your time wisely?

The work deals with the tension between public and private spheres. The question of how realities emerge within group dynamics is examined from an ironic perspective.

Normative categories are questioned and renegotiated.


Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

How satisfied are you with
the support from your friends?

The questions are modeled after questionnaires from Statistics Austria (Austria’s national statistical system). They are framed in a way that suggests clarity and demands definitive answers. However, in terms of content, they reflect quite the opposite. Official statistics claim to be a mirror of society and present themselves as a guideline for politics and society. Using probability theory, values are shaped and laws are enacted - yet probability theory is also a form of chance.

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Do you consider the number of your failed relationships to be appropriate?

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Do you have enough time?

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Do you consider your knowledge to be sufficient?

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Do you usually wear appropriate clothing?

Würden Sie sich als normal bezeichnen? (c) Teresa Fellinger

Do you doubt your judgment?

Do you consider yourself replaceable